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7 Top Concepts on How to Balance Hormones Naturally


Have you noticed unexplained weight gain, acne, or even mood swings? These can all be a result of a hormonal imbalance.

Do you know how to balance your hormones or even why it’s important?

Keep reading, and we’ll give you seven concepts about naturally balancing hormones.

It is commonly known that protein is important for muscle growth and maintaining your bone and skin health, but it is equally important for hormone balancing.

Low protein diets are linked to decreased growth hormone, and even thyroid imbalances amongst other things. Proteins are one of the main building blocks for hormones, so getting the right amount of protein in your diet is optimal for balancing hormones naturally. The right amount of protein intake varies depending on many factors; however, experts suggest adults should consume a minimum of 20g to 30g of protein at each meal for optimal health.

Sleep is one of the best ways to increase your overall health. Hormone balance has a direct correlation with sleep.

Your hormones are affected by how long you sleep and how well you sleep.

There are different stages of sleep that also play into your hormone levels, and the most important of those is stage three or deep sleep. During your deepest sleep state, your brain and body are getting restored, which allows for hormone balance. Some of these hormones balancing include:

  • Growth Hormone
  • Cortisol
  • Melatonin

While there are many other hormones that are dependent on deep sleep, these three play a huge role in regulating it. When you reach that level of sleep, these hormones self-regulate and release into your bloodstream.

So, you’ve probably heard of these, but what is an essential oil?

Essential oils are a concentrated extract typically from plants that are carefully acquired from steam distillation, resin tapping, and or cold pressing. Essential oils can be used aromatically through inhaling or diffusing on your skin by applying topically, through ingestion, or by combining the three.

Using essential oils can result in Limbic system stimulation. Your limbic system controls many things in your brain, and the part that is affected the most is your hypothalamus. Some things your hypothalamus is responsible for include:

  • Regulating emotional responses
  • Heart rate
  • Blood pressure
  • Breathing

Since essential oils are lipid-soluble, they can cross over cell membranes, including to the brain. This is how our limbic system can benefit from essential oils.

Are you concerned about how to balance female hormones specifically? Some essential oils that are great for those concerns are Clary Sage, which has been known to balance estrogen, and geranium, which is used with menopausal symptoms.

Having a healthy mix of all vitamins is important for your general health, but Vitamin D plays a large role when it comes to balancing hormones naturally.

If your body is lacking in Vitamin D, it can’t process hormones correctly. This vitamin helps your body with the creation of testosterone, human growth hormone, and estrogen.

You can get Vitamin D from sun exposure, but since many people spend their days inside or with sun protectants, you can get a supplement for D3. If you are looking for max results, it is also important to supplement your vitamin D intake with vitamin K2.

Just like with protein, people associate exercising with weight and muscles. Often, it’s forgotten when discussing hormones.

One of the biggest pros of exercise is its ability to reduce insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity. Insulin allows cells to take up sugar and amino acids from your bloodstream, then those are used for energy and to maintain muscle.

You only need a little insulin when it comes to your hormones, though. High insulin levels can be tied to:

  • Inflammation
  • Heart Stress
  • Blood Sugar Swings
  • Immune Issues

Activities like aerobic exercise, strength training, and endurance workouts increase insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin levels. To get the best results, you should participate in a mixture of exercises, but any activity done regularly is good.

Remember that insulin thing we talked about?

Well, here it is again. Sugar can elevate your insulin levels, which kicks other hormones out of balance. Most people see sugar just as sweets and processed foods, but these can also include refined carbs too.

Keeping track of all food-related sensitivities or intolerances is important.  These intolerances can create hormonal imbalances, increase inflammation, or elevate cortisol levels.

This one may be a no-brainer, but constant stress is never good for your hormonal balance. In fact, massive stress can even create or increase hormonal imbalances.

Meditation is a great way to manage your stress. Research has even shown that six-months of practicing meditation twice a week can improve insulin and stress levels.

Meditation obviously isn’t for everyone, so whatever you do to decompress or lower your stress will work too. Some people choose to do yoga, go for a walk, or even just refocus their breathing.

There’s no way to avoid stress completely; however, the important part is to have some sort of stress release in your life.

Now that you have read seven ways to balance your hormones naturally, find out more about our homeopathic remedies on our website.

Do you have more questions about hormone imbalance? We’ve got you covered. Check out more frequently asked questions here so you can get started on your new and natural path.